Causes and Remedies: Why Dogs Scratch Ears & Shake Heads at Night


You are not the only one if the dog shakes its head and scratches its ears at night. For those who have pets, that common problem—which is frequently seen in many dogs—can be disturbing and worrying. By staying informed of the root causes and remedies, you can make your pet feel good.

Causes of Nighttime Ear Scratching and Head Shaking

Ear Mites:

Ear mites are an important reason for dogs scratch ears and shake heads at night. These tiny mites flood the ear canal, restoring your pet's great pain, itchiness, and irritation.


Itchy ears & constant discomfort are signs of pruritus in dogs, that can be a result of allergies to meals, pollen, or environmental causes. Dogs that are sensitive to these kinds of behaviors often experience a lot of scratching and shaking of the head at night.


Dogs with viral or fungal infections in their ear canals can grow extremely irritated and shake their heads a lot, particularly at night. An unpleasant odor and leakage from the infected ear are common signs related to these diseases, suggesting a need for medical attention right away.

Foreign Bodies

In rare cases, tiny foreign objects like grass cuttings can get caught in a dog's ear, causing serious discomfort. Dogs who feel uncomfortable often scratch continuously and shake their heads in trying to get rid of the irritation.

Skin Conditions

Multiple skin disorders, such as allergies and Eczema, can impact the ears. When these diseases are established dogs can suffer from chronic pain and itching, which could lead them to shake their head and scratch in a bid to relieve their pain.

Home Remedies and Treatments

In reply to the query, "How do I soothe my dog's itchy ears?" there are several home remedies and solutions you can use. For an accurate diagnosis and remedy plan, it is recommended to visit a vet tech.

Clean the Ears

It's important to sterilize the ears of your pet regularly to keep diseases at bay and to get rid of unwanted things. Using cotton buds can push dirt deep into the inner ear and increase the problem, so use only an ear cleaner that is suggested by the doctor.

Topical Treatments

Itchy ears might be helped by using herbal external antibacterial remedies, like coconut oil or aloe vera gel, that have a soothing and anti-allergic effect. To stop extra discomfort or unpleasant behaviors, always make sure that the product you're using is especially suitable for dogs.

Dietary Adjustments

If infections are considered to be there changes in diet could be needed to reduce harmful provocation. Changing the switch to hypersensitive diets may sometimes reduce the signs, such as your dog's itching ears and irritation.

Hydrocortisone Cream

Directly with each other cream containing hydrocortisone reduces redness and reduces irritation for relief of tiny itching. Put just a little of the ointment over the diseased location, and keep an eye on your dog to make ensure they doesn't eat or swallow it.

Essential Oils

Some of the oils, especially tea trees and oil lavender, have antibacterial properties which may assist with relieving a dog's scratchy ear. To make sure that such oils are effective and secure for your furry friend, always effectively mix them when using them, and check with your vet tech.

Veterinary Treatment

Obtaining vet care is necessary when applying at-home treatments is insufficient. Expert remedies for healing your dog's painful ear include allergic examination, oral healthcare, specialized drops for the ears, and, in serious cases, surgery:

Prescription Medications

Powerful medicines that are offered by vets can treat a wide range of illnesses such as allergic reactions, ear mites, and viruses that affect the ears. Customized for managing individual diseases, these prescription medications provide higher reliable and immediate relief compared to without prescription alternatives.

Ear Drops

Ear drops with particular substances are designed for use on viruses and decrease irritation in the dog's ears. Sometimes, they combine bacteria or anti-fungal drugs that have been tailored to tackle specific issues.

Allergy Testing

Testing for allergies is a helpful therapeutic method for dogs who have ongoing issues like ear infections or persistent itch. Veterinarians can create personalized therapy by recognizing specific allergies, like dust or specific foods. With both such individualized approaches, you can be certain the medications are designed to treat the root of the issue, giving your pet stronger and more efficient healing.


Small surgeries can be required in severe circumstances with foreign bodies or infections that persist. The objective of these actions is to make your beloved companion not feel as unpleasant by clearing the ear canal.

Relieving Your Dog's Itchy Ears

To provide relief, it is important to understand the causes of and remedies for why dogs scratch ears and shake heads at night. Your dog's well-being and standard lifestyle can be greatly improved with early vet care, right-home medicines, and regular ear care. Always seek medical care if signs increase, and give your dog the best treatment possible.


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