Causes and Remedies: Why Dogs Scratch Ears & Shake Heads at Night
You are not the only one if the dog shakes its head and scratches its ears at night. For those who have pets, that common problem—which is frequently seen in many dogs—can be disturbing and worrying. By staying informed of the root causes and remedies, you can make your pet feel good. Causes of Nighttime Ear Scratching and Head Shaking Ear Mites: Ear mites are an important reason for dogs scratch ears and shake heads at night. These tiny mites flood the ear canal, restoring your pet's great pain, itchiness, and irritation. Allergies: Itchy ears & constant discomfort are signs of pruritus in dogs , that can be a result of allergies to meals, pollen, or environmental causes. Dogs that are sensitive to these kinds of behaviors often experience a lot of scratching and shaking of the head at night. Infections Dogs with viral or fungal infections in their ear canals can grow extremely irritated and shake their heads a lot, particularly at night. An unpleasant odor and leakage from ...